Project Execution: Earned Value Project Management

MEI Maverick Engineering applies Earned Value Project Management (EVPM) to ensure projects stay on track through start-up. The principles of Earned Value have long been proven and are outlined by the Project Management Institute (PMI), recognized worldwide since the 60’s as the benchmark in Project Management. Earned Value (EV) is regarded as one of the best quality standards in the industry and is our scorecard for progress on projects, inclusive of Cost Performance Indices (CPI) and Schedule Performance Indices (SPI).

Earned Value Project Management is a process that allows both management and project managers a sharper visibility of the technical, cost and scheduling progresses of their projects, from contract award through final delivery. Most importantly, EVPM ensures that cost, schedule and technical aspects of each project are truly integrated. Furthermore, it objectively addresses individual elements such as work authorization, reporting, analysis and decision-making.

Project are completed as planned, because implementation of EVPM ensures that cost and schedule data reflect work progress accurately and timely.

For additional information, contact our offices.